Category Archives: Trip

Dovetail-Slide Piano Maker’s “Studley-esque” Vise

Reflecting, I realize that I’ve found a lot of amazing tools in Northern California. I’ve hauled enough iron ~400 miles south to the LA area that compass readings might be affected. Luckily my latest trip up was no different. As they often are, my trip was a bit last minute. I stealthily slipped up and […]

Two weeks haul

T. Conroy mentioned a number of items I picked up at Alameda during the first weekend of the month, so I thought I’d follow the “it didn’t happen without pictures” rule. I tossed into the mix some findings from last weekends fleas. In the back is a Spear & Jackson. This one is in user-condition. […]

Bookbinders’ Plough

Last Sunday I was at the Alameda flea market in the SF/Bay Area and picked up a good catch. I originally glossed over the vice-like item on the left. At the time I though it was a small auxiliary vise for joinery or a small tail vise. Quickly after posting that thought Thomas Conroy told […]

The Mill With No Name

The second article from my Pacific coast trip. While I had great fun on the coast of California, and visited many a purveyor of antiques, nothing otherwise eventful took place. I will attest that the North coast of California (north of San Francisco) is more beautiful than our famed Central coast and good driving fun […]